Saffle Says --- Lessons for English Learners

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Sunday, July 30, 2006


How many ways can you ask the simple questions, "What?" Here is a fun video where you can get an idea. This is from a Canadian show called "Kids in the Hall" from the early 1990s. Enjoy.



Blogger Papi Saffle said...

I will be going on Vacation this month! I'm driving my car up north to Maine to visit my sister and then to Canada to visit Montreal. I have never been to Maine or Montreal so I am looking forward to it. I will take my new digital camera and take a hundred pictures. Then I will post them on my account.

I don't leave until August 21st and will return to work the next Monday. Have you gone anywhere this summer?

Today it is around 38 degrees in Washington D.C. but it feels like 40. Good grief! I need an iced coffee.


Wednesday, August 02, 2006  

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