At the Airport
Today's podcast is all about the airport. I love airports! I love going to flights all around the world. Most recently I went to London and I will go back this December. If I am lucky, I will go to Japan next spring and visit my old friends. Today's show is special because I had the help of my friend and former ALT Brooke. Brooke live in Washington D.C. and I think lived in Aichi Prefecture.
carry on luggage/bags - your bags you bring to your seat.
checked luggage/baggage - the larger bags you leave at the ticket counter that are placed under the plane.
TSA - Transportation Security Administration. This is the new federal security at all US airports.
customs - when you travel overseas or internationally you will need to pass customs. There you will meet a customs agent who will ask for your passport and ask you questions about why you are entering the country. Be honest and polite and you will be fine!
arrival/departure - arrival is when your plane lands at the airport and departure is when you take off. "My flight departs JFK at 10AM and arrives in San Francisco at 1PM."
boarding pass - this is the paper you get at the ticket counter when you check you luggage. You can also print some online. You will need a boarding pass at the security line or you won't be allowed through.
ticket agent - the airline employee who you first meet with your luggage. She is the one who will give you your boarding pass and tell you where to find you gate.
These aren't all the vocabulary words you need but they will give you a good start. If you go to the airport and hear a word or phrase you don't understand, please send me an email and I will let you know what it means.
Talk to you guys later! Happy flying!